What You Need to Know About Temporal Lift Surgery

Factors like aging, genetics, and lifestyle are responsible for a drooping brow line, which leads an individual to look aged and tired. Well, there are numerous options available in the medical sector for non-surgical treatments, but sometimes surgery acts as the best option. One surgical option that cures a drooping brow lift surgery. In this blog, we will learn about Temporal Lift, its benefits, and what to expect at the time of and the process.

What is Temporal Lift Surgery?

Temporal lift is a cosmetic surgical process that boosts and changes the position of the eyebrows. The process involves small cuts in the scalp behind the hairline and then applying surgical procedures to adjust the exterior part of the eyebrows and underlying tissues. This provides a youthful and new look.

Benefits of Temporal Lift Surgery

Temporal lift serves several benefits containing –

ü  Refreshed look – It can reposition a drooping brow line, which may make you tired and angry. The process can assist you look more confident and younger.

ü  Long Impact – The outcomes of the surgery can last for long

ü  Minimum damaging – The opening made at the time of a temporal lift is small and covered behind the hairline, leading to negligeable damage.

A Look Ahead at the Procedure and What Comes Next

The surgical process is generally conducted by an experienced doctor and takes approx. 2-3 hours to complete. It may be possible to experience swelling, bruising, and pain after the surgery, which can be controlled with painkillers. You will be advised to keep your head raised for several days after the surgery. This is asked to reduce swelling.

It is considered that an individual can be involved in regular activities within 10 days after the surgical procedures. However, serious activities should be ignored for several weeks. You should not expose the cut site to sunlight for a few months to prevent scarring.

In Conclusion

The surgery is a secure and efficient option for managing a drooping brow line and receiving a more refreshing appearance. If you are looking for Temporal Brow Lift Surgery, it is important to discuss it with a certified and knowledgeable plastic surgeon who can assist you in deciding whether the surgery will be good for you or not.


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