Injection Lipolysis; Cost, Process; What to Expect?


Injection lipolysis is a non-surgical treatment to reduce the number of fat cells around the injection site. The chemical used in the injection is called deoxyycholic acid that results in fat cell disruption and death. At present, it is FDA-approved treatment, ideally used in the area underneath the chin to eliminate double chin.

It is a laser technique used to break the fat cells of fatty issues. Lipolysis Injection for Face used to tighten the skin in the area where the treatment is applied. After the application soon, you will find smoother and tighter skin than before.

Well, overall, lipolysis offers incredible benefits to fat removal process. The laser is used in the process are safe for clinical use and do not pose a big risk. There could be little risk of infection in the treated areas. However, it does not have the advantages ocer cosmetic surgeries like liposuction.

How Much It Cost?

The American Society of Plastic Surgeon suggests the average cost of the nonsurgical fat reduction is close to $1,700 per session. However, the cost can vary according to the place you live and expertise and experience of the practitioner. You should make sure to find approximate cost before booking the treatment. Since it is an optional procedure – it is not covered by insurance.

How to Prepare?

Your doctor can provide you with specific information on how to prepare for the process.

They will advise you to:

·         Stop consuming any blood thinner or anti-inflammatory drugs for two weeks before the process. The medication can interfere with the healing process.

·         You should avoid activity that can irritate the area needs to be treated. It includes tanning and shaving.

Once the process is done, doctor will give you a she of detailed instruction to make sure the recovery process is easier. You can follow the instruction and watch the site of application very closely to identify whether the place is healed properly.

What to Expect During The Process?

Ideally, the process can take less than an hour and you will be conscious during the process. For most people only one session is needed to see the result. Well, sometimes Injection Lipolysis is done in combination with traditional liposuction. It can add to the duration and recovery process.


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